In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34 / 2002 of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the Holder exposes its identification data:

  • Mercantile Registry: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Cuenca, Folio 74, Volume 122 of Companies, Page CU-883.
  • NIF:  A-16009870.
  • Address: Carretera N-400, Km. 95.4, Tarancón (Cuenca).

By browsing our website you agree that your use is governed by the terms and conditions described below. As a user, it is important that you are aware of these terms before continuing your browsing. If you do not agree, please do not access, browse or use the Website.

INCARLOPSA reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and contents of the Web, as well as to totally or partially modify its Terms and Conditions, informing the user in this case.

If you have any questions or comments about the conditions of use of the website you can contact us by email at

As the owner of this website, we assume the commitment to process the information of our users and customers with full guarantees and comply with national and European requirements governing the collection and use of personal data of our users. This website, therefore, strictly complies with the RGPD (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on data protection), the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and the LSSI-CE the Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.


Read Data Protection Policy.


The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with INCARLOPSA. The user undertakes to use the website, its services and contents without contravening current legislation, good faith and public order. It is forbidden to use the website for illicit or harmful purposes, or in any way that may cause damage or impede the normal operation of the website. Regarding the contents and use of this website any use contrary to current legislation at any time and in particular for the following uses (mentioned merely by way of example and not limited to) is prohibited:
  • Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, without the authorization of its legitimate owners;
  • Any infringement of the intellectual property rights of the legitimate owners;
  • Any infringement of the intellectual property rights of the legitimate owners;
  • To violate public morality;
  • Conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of themselves or third parties;
  • That impedes, in any way, the normal use of the website.


Both the design of the web site and its source codes, as well as the logos, brands and other distinctive signs that appear in it, belong to INCARLOPSA or collaborating entities and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. Likewise, the images, logos and melodies, etc. contained in the INCARLOPSA server are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

At no time may it be understood that the use or access to the web page and/or the services offered therein attribute to the user any right whatsoever over the aforementioned trademarks, commercial names and/or distinctive signs.

The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity, including its modality of making available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means is totally forbidden unless express authorization is obtained from INCARLOPSA.

The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by INCARLOPSA.

The user knows and accepts that the entire website, including but not limited to text, software, content (including structure, selection, arrangement and presentation thereof), podcasts, photographs, audiovisual material and graphics, is protected by trademarks, copyrights and other legitimate rights, in accordance with international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.

In the event that a user or third party considers that there has been a violation of their legitimate intellectual property rights by the introduction of certain content on the web, you must notify this circumstance to the email to indicating:

  • Personal data of the interested party owner of the allegedly infringed rights, or indicate the representation with which he/she is acting in case the claim is filed by a third party other than the interested party.
  • Indicate the contents protected by intellectual property rights and their location on the website, the accreditation of the intellectual property rights indicated and an express declaration in which the interested party accepts responsibility for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.


This website may contain links to third party websites. INCARLOPSA is not responsible for the content of links to such sites. The risks derived from the use of these pages are the responsibility of the user.

All those who intend to establish a link or hyperlink between their web page and this web site must obtain prior authorization from INCARLOPSA.


INCARLOPSA has created the website for the dissemination of its activity and to facilitate access to its services, but cannot control the use of the same other than as provided for in this Legal Notice; therefore, access to the web site and the correct use of the information contained therein are the responsibility of the person carrying out these actions, and INCARLOPSA shall not be responsible for the incorrect, illicit or negligent use that the user may make of it, nor for the knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the type, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that users make of the web page and the services. Likewise, INCARLOPSA shall not be liable for damages of any nature that may be due to the impersonation of a third party by a user in any kind of communication made through the Site. INCARLOPSA provides all the contents of its website in good faith and will make its best efforts to ensure that they are permanently updated and current; however, INCARLOPSA cannot assume any responsibility with respect to the use or access made by users outside the area to which the website is addressed, the final responsibility for which will lie with the user. INCARLOPSA undertakes to apply all necessary measures to try to guarantee the user the absence of viruses, worms, Trojans and similar elements on the website. However, these measures are not infallible and, therefore, INCARLOPSA cannot guarantee the total absence of such harmful elements. Consequently, INCARLOPSA shall not be liable for any damages that they may cause to the User. INCARLOPSA has concluded all the necessary contracts for the continuity of the web page and will make its best efforts to ensure that it does not suffer interruptions, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, nor the permanent availability of the web and the services contained therein and, consequently, assumes no liability for any damages that may be generated by the lack of availability and by failures in access caused by disconnections, breakdowns, overloads or network failures not attributable to INCARLOPSA.


For the interpretation and execution conflicts derived from the use of the Web, the current Spanish legislation and the Courts and Tribunals of Tarancón (Cuenca, Spain) will be applicable, provided that the current regulations foresee the possibility that the parties may submit to a specific jurisdiction.


In compliance with the provisions of the data protection regulations, we inform you of the following aspects:

Identification of the Data Controller:


• Address: Ctra. N-400, Km.95.4 16400 Tarancón (Cuenca), Spain.

• Phone: 969 320 908.

• E-mail address DPO:

Purpose of the processing of your personal data:

In INDUSTRIAS CÁRNICAS LORIENTE PIQUERAS, S.A.U. we process your personal data in order to carry out, correctly, the professional management and the commercial relationship, as well as the contact with the customer to enable the provision of the service. Likewise, we wish to use your data to send satisfaction surveys of the products and/or services consumed, as well as to send you commercial communications of products and/or services related to those requested by you, by any means, including electronic, even after the commercial relationship has ended. The personal data provided will be kept for as long as the commercial and professional relationship is maintained and for a further five years in accordance with legal requirements. During this period the data may be made available to the public administration with competence in the matter, upon request for justified cause.

Legitimation for the processing of your data:

The legal basis for this is the legitimate interest of the responsible entity and the development of commercial relations with the interested party. Likewise, the sending of commercial communications to customers, by electronic and telephone means, related to the services and products contracted is legally protected by the Law of Services of the Information Society or by the consent of the interested party. The data may only be used for the purposes set out in the previous section, in accordance with the principles of transparency and purpose limitation.

Communication or Transfer of Data and International Data Transfers:

The data will be transferred in those cases in which it is legally required to public entities with competence in the matter.


Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether INDUSTRIAS CÁRNICAS LORIENTE PIQUERAS, S.A.U. is processing personal data concerning them, and if so, the right of access to their personal data, the purposes of the processing, and the categories of personal data concerned. You also have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their deletion when, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected; the consent on which the processing is based has been withdrawn or you object to the processing; the personal data have been processed unlawfully; or they must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under Union or Member State law. You may request the restriction of the processing of your data where: you contest the accuracy of the personal data for a period of time that allows the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data; the processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use; the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but the data subject needs them for the establishment, exercise or defense of claims; or the data subject has objected to the processing, while we verify whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject. In such cases, we will only retain the data for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you may object to the processing of your data. INDUSTRIAS CÁRNICAS LORIENTE PIQUERAS, S.A.U. will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. You will have the right to receive the personal data that concern you, and that you have provided, in a structured format, and to transmit them to another data controller without being prevented by the data controller to whom you have provided them, when the processing is based on consent; or the processing is carried out by automated means. When the affected persons exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure and opposition, limitation of processing, data portability and not to be subject to automated individualized decisions, they must communicate it by e-mail to the address You may also file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, through the electronic headquarters at